Unexpected Challenges...
So, my last infusion was on September 4th and went really well. I had enough energy that I was able to help with some yard work that weekend. However, I woke up on Tuesday morning feeling so tired. I slept off and on that whole day. In the middle of the night I woke up with diarrhea. This continued for the next three days, with trips to the bathroom and then to bed to sleep. 

On Friday Devin had an RN come to the house to give me an IV with vitamins. On Saturday afternoon I finally had some energy and was awake for a few hours. 

Sunday Devin decided that we needed to find out what was going on with me as I was still having diarrhea. So off to the hospital we went. My blood work was all good and they gave my an IV because I was dehydrated. They also sent out a stool sample and sent me home. I was so glad they didn't admit me.

 On Monday morning I got a call from the lab that I had C-Diff. So they ordered me 10 days of antibiotics. Finally on day nine I started to feel better. Devin did have the RN come back on Friday to give me another IV with vitamins. For three weeks all I did was sleep, watch a little tv and then sleep some more. 

I am grateful that I was well enough to go with Kylie and Devin to UNC Charlotte for their open house on September 28th. It is one of five schools Kylie is looking into for college. I can't believe we are already thinking about college!!!

I am scheduled for my next infusion on Thursday this week. My last one was canceled because of the C-Diff.

  1. That I was able to get over C-Diff with only 1 round of antibiotics
  1. That my infusion will go well with minimum side effects
  2. That I can start to regain the strength that I lost while being in bed for 3 weeks
Pic: Devin, Kylie & I at UNC Charlotte

1 Comment

  1. Amy Zimmerman Wood  10/09/2024 11:25 AM Central
    I wish you didn’t have to go through that. Prayers for healing and strength.

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