Infusion 1, 2, & 3...
I want to thank all my prayer warriors. I am eternally grateful for everyone of you! 

My first two infusions have  kicked  my tail. I've had some nausea for the first 7 days. Then dizziness, shakiness and the fatigue sets in. I have spent a lot of time just lying on the couch watching HGTV. I have also been having one physical therapy session a week to rehab my new hip. Then I also do exercises at home the other six days. It hasn't been too bad. Just a little muscle soreness. I am currently off all my pain meds which is nice.

I received my results from my rheumatologist (Dr. Gn), she said that the ultrasound showed some nodules in my hands that would indicate rheumatoid arthritis except my blood work for that came back negative. She thinks that my immunotherapy drug caused my body to go haywire and attacked my hands and arms and made them swell up. Since the swelling has left my body currently she has started my on a three month round of Hydroxychloroquine. Apparently it takes that long to get into the body and start working. I have a follow up appointment with her next month to see how I am doing. I definitely don't want the swelling to come back. That was extremely painful.

My parents came to visit and we managed to get a week long beach trip in over the 4th of July. We went to Oak Island, NC. It was nice to get away even though I didn't feel so well. My aunt and cousin drove down for a day visit and it was really nice catching up with them too.

I had my third infusion yesterday and so far today I feel pretty good. I've managed to do some laundry and write this blog so I will take that as a big win!

  1. That I stay feeling well - no nausea, dizziness or fatigue
  2. That my white blood cell count stays up - I don't want to end up in the hospital like last year
Pic: Dinner with my parents, aunt and cousin in Oak Island - yes my hair started falling out after my second infusion so I shaved what was left  before we went to the beach. 


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