Latest Update + Another Surgery...

Latest Update + Another Surgery...
Thank you to all my prayer warriors! They are vast and numerous. I had the privilege to meet some more of them at my uncle's Retirement Party a couple weeks ago. It was amazing to meet people I didn't even know were praying for me. I was blessed by them as well as the family members I got to catch up with. Some I hadn't seen in about 8 years. It was really nice to spend time with some family! I sure do appreciate all the prayers! God is so good!

Most of January I was hopeful that I was healing from the drains being taken out. On January 27th I had my consultation with colorectal (Dr Lyman). He reviewed my records, scans and did an exam on me. Afterwards he told me that my body was in fact not healing and another surgery would be needed the next week so that I could get back to my chemotherapy treatments. He informed me that I would need to be off chemotherapy for 6 months to a year before my body would be ready for a more permanent invasive surgery to correct the perianal fistula I have.

On January 29th I turned another year older. I am thankful that God has kept me around for another year!

February 1st we got to spend 18 hours with a very dear friend from chiropractic college and his very nice girlfriend. I am glad I was feeling up to going out to eat dinner with them. Time with good friends is precious!

So, on February 6th Dr Lyman did an out patient surgery to place two setons in the openings of my fistula. These are made of silicon and look like rings. The purpose is to keep the holes open minimally so they can drain to keep infections at bay. He said he has had patients who have lived with these in for many years without problems. He also told us that he thinks that this fistula/abscess was caused by the 360 degree radiation I had around my pelvis initially for treatment. He said that he has seen where a person had radiation and 15 years later the skin breaks down in that area. He said that he wouldn't be opposed to me going back on Avastin since he doesn't think that caused this.

I am scheduled to see my oncologist (Dr Brown) tomorrow for bloodwork and then my next chemotherapy  infusion.

  1. That the holes that the setons are in will heal a little to make the holes smaller.
  2. Prayers that I can restart chemotherapy and that it goes well with NO side effects.
  3. Prayers for a couple family members undergoing their own health bump in the road. God knows the specifics.
Pic:Valentines Day

Cancer, Cancer Therapies, Natural Cancer Therapies, Cervical Cancer, Metastatic Cancer